Upcoming Engagements:

  • Joseph Schwantner’s Sparrows with Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra (September 2024)

  • Selections from Elvis Costello’s Juliet Letters and Alex Temple’s Behind the Wallpaper with Santa Cruz Chamber Players (October 2025)

  • Opera Uncorked with Santa Cruz Opera Project (November 2024)

  • Christopher Cerrone’s The Pieces That Fall From The Earth with Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra (March 2025)

Opera/Theater Roles Performed

  • Adele in Die Fledermaus (Santa Cruz Opera Project, June 2024)

  • Andrea/Archangel Michael in Jerry Springer - The Opera (San Jose Playhouse, February/March 2024)

  • Musetta in La Bohème (Santa Cruz Opera Project, June 2023)

  • Cunegonde in Candide (Cabrillo Stage, July 2022)

  • Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro abridged (Santa Cruz Opera Project, May 2022)

  • Mabel in The Pirates of Penzance (Cabrillo Stage, July 2021)

  • Kathy in Company, (Actor’s Theater Santa Cruz, 2019)

  • Laurey in Oklahoma! (MPC Theater Company, 2014)

  • Opera Chorus in Don Giovanni (Opera San Jose, 2014)

  • Cosette in Les Misèrables (MPC Theater Company, 2013)

  • Snow Queen in The Snow Queen (a workshop production with San Jose Repertory Theater, 2012)

  • Papagena in Manga Flute (English adaptation of Die Zauberflöte with West Edge Opera, 2011)

  • Ilia in Idomeneo (Opera Academy of California, 2011)

  • Pamina in Die Zauberflöte (SJSU Opera Theater, 2010)

  • Amore in La Didone (SJSU Opera Theater, 2010)

  • Lizzie in BABY (Stage Door Productions, 2003)

Concert Solos Performed

  • Laurey in Copland’s The Tender Land Orchestral Suite (Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra, April 2024)

  • Musical Soulmates Chamber Concert (Dvorak Gypsy Songs and other chamber works, May 2024)

  • A Night on Broadway musical review, Stanislaus Arts Council event (November 2023)

  • Italianisches Liederbuch (Hugo Wolf), Espressivo Orchestra, Recital (August 2023)

  • Pastorale (I. Stravinsky) Soprano Soloist, Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra (February 2023)

  • Magnificat in C Major (J. Kuhnau), Soprano Soloist, Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus and Orchestra, Feast of Christmas Concert (December 2022)

  • The Angel in Lauda per la Natività del Signore (O. Respighi) with Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus and Orchestra (December 2021)

  • Dracula by D. Del Tredici (Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra, October 2021 and 2011)

  • Laudate Pueri Dominum (G.F. Handel) with Ensemble Monterey and Cantiamo (2019)

  • Music and Madness (Lucia di Lammermoor mad scene, Bach’s Coffee Cantata, Trouble in Tahiti, and others) with Santa Cruz Chamber Players (2019)

  • Lord Nelson Mass in D (J. Haydn) Cabrillo Feast of Christmas (2018)

  • Suite Liturgique (A. Jolivet) with Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra (2016)

  • Sparrows (J. Schwantner) with Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra (2014)

  • “Les Oiseaux dans la Charmille” from Les Contes d’Hoffman (J. Offenbach) with Cabrillo Orchestra (2012)

  • Salut Printemps (C. Debussy) with SJSU Concert Choir (2011)

  • Hör mein Bitten (F. Mendelssohn) with Ensemble Monterey and Cantiamo (2009)

  • The Messiah (G.F. Handel) with Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus (2008)

  • The Ecstasies Above (T. O’Reagan) with Cantiamo (2008)

  • Petite Messe Solennelle (G. Rossini) with Cantiamo (2008)

Competition Awards

  • First Place Winner, San Jose Opera Guild Scholarship Competition (2010)

  • Third Place Winner, NATS Vocal Competition Division 7 Art Song (2010)

  • Second Place Winner, San Jose Music Study Club Scholarship Competition (2009)