Lori Schulman grew up in the Washington DC metropolitan area and currently resides in Santa Cruz,  CA. A lyric-coloratura soprano, Lori has performed many leading roles in both musical theater and opera. She most recently portrayed Cunegonde in Candide with Cabrillo Stage. Other favorite roles include Mabel in The Pirates of Penzance, Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro, Kathy in Company, Laurey in Oklahoma, Cosette in Les Misèrables, Papagena in Manga Flute, Ilia in Idomeneo, Pamina in Die Zauberflöte, Lizzie in Baby and Amore in La Didone. She participated in The Opera Academy of California where she performed roles including Adele in Die Fledermaus, Nanetta in Falstaff and Sophie in Der Rosenkavalier.

As a frequent performer in the Monterey Bay area, Lori was the concert soloist in Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass, Stravinsky’s Pastorale, Respighi’s Lauda Per La Natività del signore, Handel’s Messiah, Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle, Mendelssohn’s Hör mein Bitten, O’Reagan’s The Ecstasies Above and many others. In addition, Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra regularly features Lori as their soloist in challenging, dramatic roles including David Del Tredici’s Dracula, Handel’s Laudate Pueri Dominum and Joseph Schwantner’s Sparrows. Lori is also a frequent recitalist and sings at private events throughout the Santa Cruz area.

A graduate of San Jose State University, Lori received her B.M. in Vocal Performance with honors.  She was the First Place winner of the San Jose Opera Guild Scholarship Competition, and the Second Place winner of the San Jose Music Study Club Competition. In 2022, Lori co-founded Santa Cruz Opera Project with a mission of making opera accessible to all individuals, regardless of their background or knowledge of the art form. Lori also teaches private voice lessons to many talented singers, and is a mother to two amazing young children.

“The beautiful and exuberant Schulman suffuses her portrayal of Cunegonde with a complete life force. With bouncing blond curls and the voice of an angel, Schulman bursts from scene to scene as she experiences the highs of privilege and the lows of physical torment.” -Christina Wise, The Press Banner

“Lori Schulman perfectly plays his love interest, Cunegonde, her beautiful coloratura voice soaring. Schulman’s rendition of “Glitter and be Gay” is one of the show’s highlights.” -Mindy Pedlar, TPG Online Daily

“Lori Schulman, Santa Cruz coloratura soprano, was the soloist, spinning out Handel’s copious melismas with fluid clarity and exquisite phrasing.” -Performing Arts Monterey Bay

“Lori Schulman has a soprano voice as gorgeous as any you’re likely to hear anywhere on the Monterey Peninsula. Her Laurey is a tiny, beautiful and feisty farm girl anybody would find it hard not to fall for.” -Performing Arts Monterey Bay

“Lori Schulman’s Cosette is powerful, and perhaps reawakens our desire to believe in love at first sight.” -Monterey Herald

“Soprano Lori Schulman delivered an ideal Cosette—youthful and lovely—and she sang with a voice to match.” -Performing Arts Monterey Bay

“Lori Schulman contributed a sweet-toned turn in the expanded role of Papagena.” -SF Gate

“She stole the show with her clear and lyrical tone and effortless singing of the 15 stanzas of Haiku poems… Schulman exudes mastery over her instrument as shown in the difficulty of this piece (Sparrows). Without much melodic contrast between stanzas, Schulman sang with a lyrical and ethereal quality.” -Performing Arts Monterey Bay